This was a proposed design for a wireless portable hand-held Tablet for
browsing the Internet
as envisioned in 1999 by
Ivars Vilums for Nobell
Communications, Inc. Although the unit may seem clunky by today's
standards, at the time it was sleek and unique. Of special note were
several key features:
- The built-in floppy-like credit card slot to facilitate secure
- The base unit doubled as a wireless charger using an inductive
- When the hand-held unit was attached to the base unit the
combination could be used as a desktop PC
- Data as well as software, including the OS, would be stored and
accessed over the Network, ala cloud computing of today, except the "cloud" was physically within the user's own network.
- Stereo speakers and a microphone facilitated phone calls and
conferencing. Although considered, a camera was thought too bulky
and expensive at the time.
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