Lost Tech Archive
This is a collection of ideas, thoughts, papers, projects, and
more that have had much energy put into them at one time or another,
some well before their time, and are now mostly forgotton. The ideas
and techniques here
just waiting to be used again in ways unimagined at the time. Gleened
from works in progress, they are raw
snapshots of tidbits from projects mid-stream. Some also give a glimpse
into the processes of their impending demise whether technical,
political, or personal. They are offered here in the hope
that they
will get your creative juices flowing to bring something
new, unexpected, and wonderful into the world today. They may also warn
of pitfalls
to watch out for.
More items are added as time and
resources permit. If you are interested in these ideas or would like to
add your own please get in touch at info@eastjesus.net.
- An Introduction to
Integral MicroOptics (see poster with images) (a new architecture for parallel optical computing with 3D Holographic input and output)
- Fresnel Lenses and Zone Plates (basic background information on what they are, how they work, and how they are different.)
- A Very Fast Linear CRC Routine (Calculate CRC without loops. Change polynomial by changing a single constant. Includes full 8086 assembly code listing)
- Pulse Width Modulated Audio using the single-bit output speaker on the IBM PC (Even
though the original IBM PC had a speaker driven with a single bit
output from a flip flop it was possible to output AM radio quality
audio from the internal speaker. Includes full 8086 assembly code
- Peer-to-Peer Project Management - Decentralized instead of Hierarchical Management of Colaboration (a flow chart of how people colaborate to accomplish things and some
forms to manage getting things done; much more to come later.)
- An Upper Limit to the Electromagnetic
Spectrum - Gravitational Collapse of Photons (crude but thought provoking idea; partial paper-in-progress from 1990. Presages the Kugelblitz and expands on it.)
- fx-2100 PC
(a desktop personal computer design from 1979. Project died when
negotiator for main funding source had heart attack and interim
replacement refused to make any decisions.)
- What Can You Do With the Internet? (Poster by Ivars Vilums
for Nobell Communications circa 1998 with links to details. In the days
of dial-up Internet access and $1,000/month T1's, Nobell's premise was
to provide affordable broadband Internet wirelessly to everyone along
with a variety of connected devices using a decentralized encrypted
peer-to-peer routing network of geographically distributed autonomous
ground-based satellites called Terralites. Even though it had numerous
customers throughout Austin, Texas and thousands on a waiting list, it
succumbed to internal and external politics. Records and patents were
destroyed and very little information survives.)
- Early Web Tablet Design (artist rendition showing basic features proposed by Ivars Vilums
for the Nobell wireless handheld web tablet in 1999. Includes
detachable keyboard, wireless charger, and novel credit card slot for
making purchases.)
- Make a holographic projector
- (project the time or anything else into free space in full 3D
without using a projection screen of any kind. Yes, you can do it more easily and cheaply than you
would imagine!)
- Make WiFi phased array antennae using signage stock and a sign shop stencil cutter (Quick and inexpensive method to prototype complex antenna patterns.)
- Micro Gas Chromatograph Project Review - (Description of work done on creating a Gas Chromatograph on a chip in 1980 along with memo from department head opposing the project. Includes details on column design, on-chip no-moving-parts pump and valve design, and the fabrication of a Micro Thermal Conductivity Sensor/Heater (SEM photo)
that could be used
as a sensor and as an active heating element for the on-chip valve and
compressor. The project was cancelled within months of this report and
the project manager kept idle until he left. Within two years the
entire advanced development department was eliminated.)
- Before
Ethereum, Before Bitcoin,
Years Before Any
There Were Lunar Tank
Notes! Real Moon Money! The Lunar Tank Note Story. (Creating a currency for use on the moon not only
provided the basis for internal trade but was also an opportunity to
establish a de facto recognition of independence from Earth.)
Questions? Comments? Want more? Have something to add? Get in touch: info@eastjesus.net
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